Chemotherapy Hair Replacement

Chemotherapy wigs & hair replacement solutions London

For professional chemotherapy hair replacement services in London, contact Jennifer Effie's Hair Solutions. 

Insight into Jennifer Effie’s Hair Solutions 
Below video is featured from Beauty Angels Eps9

"Hair Loss and Hair Replacement" 
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Many women are being diagnosed with cancer and sadly, the side effects of the chemotherapy/radiography can include losing your hair.

Over the years there has always been a taboo as well as a fear of the word wig when it comes to choosing a wig colour, density, comfort and styling option.
A person’s hair can be classed as a reflection of the person they are. When this is taken away it can affect people in different ways. In some cases if you’re a mother, grandmother or a working woman you may not want people to know about your condition. Jennifer Effie's Hair Solutions gives you control over who you choose to tell about your current health situation given your appearance remains the same.
Jennifer Effie's Hair Solutions have created a bespoke hair replacement system for individuals that are undergoing cancer treatment. Our concept is to re-create how your hair looked before experiencing hair loss.
We have designed a natural, undetectable, comfortable, high end type of wig using our hair replacement system and the best quality human hair that's easy to manage and looks and feels great.

When facing hair loss due to cancer treatment, choosing a chemotherapy wig can be an emotional and personal experience. At Jennifer Effie's Hair Solutions, we understand how important it is to maintain your sense of self.

That's why we offer real hair wigs that are designed to look and feel as natural as your own hair. Whether you're looking to replicate your usual style or explore a new look, our team is here to guide you through the process of selecting the perfect wig.

When you buy a wig from us, you're not just purchasing a hairpiece—you're investing in your confidence and comfort. Our wigs are custom-made to ensure they fit seamlessly into your daily life, so you can focus on your journey to recovery without worrying about your appearance.
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We offer more than one solution: Synthetic Wigs or Real Human Hair Wigs, JE Bespoke Hair Replacement System, Follea and Joil Caméléon (available in different sizes). 
hair loss

The JE hair replacement
system is designed ...

• ... so it can be cut to recreate your hairstyle
  before you experienced hair loss
• To measure by making a mould of your head
• To last your entire treatment period
• On a comfortable base
• To match the colour, texture and density of
  your hair before experiencing hair loss
• With a natural undetectable hair line
• On a breathable base so it does not affect the
  regrowth of your hair
• To create the illusion that hair is growing from
  your scalp
• To allow you to wash, blow dry and straighten
  the hair as you would your own
• To give you the freedom to change your
• To give the option to wear your hair in a
  ponytail or French plait
• So you can tuck your hair behind your ears
• So the hair can be worn off your face
• To be worn permanently or temporarily
cold caps

Cold caps

If you have decided to use the cold cap whilst undergoing your treatment it's advisable that you still come in and see a consultant for a consultation to discuss the options available to you so a plan can be in place if necessary.

We can help you look good and feel better about yourself. 

News articles

Read about Decca Aitkenhead in the Guardian article
"When an oncology nurse handed me a leaflet for Jennifer Effie’s Hair Solutions, offering an option I had never heard of, I thought it sounded too good to be true." Source: The Guardian
Read about Kirsty Lang in the Daily Mail article
"I wanted to carry on working and I didn’t want to look like a sick person." Source: The Daily Mail

Video Testimonial - Ruth Redman Actress 
Please click image to view

“What I really wanted was to be able to carry on with my life as close to normally as possible”
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"From the moment I met Jennifer and discussed
my hair problems I felt at ease, and realised
she completely understood ..."
Contact us
For chemotherapy hair replacement in London, contact Jennifer Effie's Hair Solutions on
020 3752 5089
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